Carvings on a Stone: Issue 8
Hello! Welcome to Carvings on a Stone, where we give you a short snippet from our mind based on any sort of writing prompts that YOU provide. It could be about anything at all! This issue is just to give people the chance to realize that if you put your mind to it, you could write about anything and everything! I hope you enjoy it!

- From : JiHye Desrosiers

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Marilou DeAngelo

Marilou DeAngelo JiHye I love this so so much T-T As for a new word I would have to say... hmm. Maybeeee Twilight ^^ And no not the glowing vampires xD

Sage Auberon

Sage Auberon Watermelon! Wow, that's a surprising thing to get into trouble for!

Venatrix Poiesis

Venatrix Poiesis fun! erm, new word idea: pizza

Sabrina Norwood

Sabrina Norwood ooh thank you, this was really cool!

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