Welcome to the "Filling Those Blanks" blog series, that is specially designed for all of you to enjoy crafting your own story based upon your choice of words.In every Edition, a base story will be shown with blanks that are required to be filled with a noun, adjective, verb, adverb.etc!
It is a creative side of the series for you to explore your fun and goofy side with a hint of your creativity!Your task is to fill those blanks with your choice of words! It is depended on you,whether you want to make it a happy, sad, funny, serious or evil story! Get your thinking caps on!
NOTE:The Characters mentioned are fictional and don't play any role on the site!
One day, I woke up feeling (emotion), and I knew it was going to be a (noun) day. The sky was (color) and the weather was (weather),so I hopped out of bed, put on my (article of clothing) and my (adjective), (type of footwear), and I was ready to (verb).Outside, I caught the first (transport),which took me straight to (town/city).I went (direction) until I came to a store selling (adjective) (plural noun) where I bought the perfect (adjective) (noun)!Next, I treated myself to a (type of food) snack at a (type of food) restaurant.It was very (temperature) but still good enough to (verb).Finally,I went back home, I fed the (animals), then sat down on the (piece of furniture) and thought, What a/an (adjective) day!