giphy.gif AND THE WINNER IS!!!

Hello little Metahumans! Today I will bring you the first winner of this event, miss Mea Ramone who wrote a very scary Horrorstory! Follow her instructions to make it even better!
I would like it if you tell the readers to put the texts in GOOGLE TRANSLATE and let the robotic 'Voice' of the google translate tell you the story.

The robot voice sounds really creepy. And I love it more that way. Hehe.. You just have to copy paste this text in there and the click on the sound icon in the bottom (the one that says listen when you roll over it with your mouse...I'm sure you understand but is a really important to do this. It is a big part of the creepy experience.) If Google Translate talks really slow, you just have to press the sound icon again so it will talk a little faster.
~ Mea Ramone

As your body is shutting down, your brain is looking for a way to save you. In that moment you relive every moment of your life. As you your life flashes before your eyes you know that you can’t be saved. Your hart knows it too, because it stopped beating the moment you died. Your brain is not looking for a way to save you. The memories you see are nothing more than the process of an enclosing loop. Your dying brain is shutting off every feeling you ever experienced, every memory you ever had. You feel your existence disappearing, it’s being erased, dripping from the palms of your hands to the tips of your fingers, falling like waterdrops. Melting in the endless reflection.

All, except for the echo of your last breath. The echo that travels through the vibrations in the air. The breath that was the first thing you did when you came to the earth, ironically, the very last thing you give to the world. The sound is being wrapped up, disappearing in the rural of the environment as the source of the sound, you, vanishes.

But who heard it? Who saw you fall as your last breath escaped? Will they know it was the last sound you made? Will you be mourned? And what if no-one heard it?

The vessel you’ve become is doomed to perish from corporeal to even less. Do not fear the less, the empty, the ‘nothing’. Too some, you will not be nothing. You will be a feast. Thousands of footsteps will crawl on your skin, feeding from you with much delight. To them you will be a savior, a true hero. To them you might just be food. But their bellies will be full as you transform faster into less. Less that will turn to soil and give your non-existence a purpose. You have closed the loop. The food that you are is a new life for a new life. An eye for an eye. As you get eaten, feeling the thousands of footsteps on your body that becomes less body, you wonder if you can still exist. Do you still exist if you become food? If you have become part in the circle of life and your life has ended? Or do you continue to live through others? Do you have the choice to choose what you become after death? Or is it all an illusion?
Wasn't that scary?! I swear I felt a chill when I read this, even worse when I put this into Google! Both me and Marilou agreed that this was our winning Horrorstory!

Don't forget you can still send the found pumpkins to Alyson Bloom in a mail. The pumpkins can be found on the Facebook and Instagram page of World of Meta Humans!!! Good luck hunting!
