Metahuman Classes

Edition #11

Hero Advisory

Hello, Metahumans! Welcome to a new edition of 'Metahuman Classes'. In this blog, we talk about the different classes we have on our site. This week we'll talk about... Hero Advisory!

Why do we learn it?

At the University, we are taught to be a hero. They want us to grow up and became a good person. The only problem is, that is way harder than it sounds. That is why we get the subject of Hero Advisory. To learn what it might be like to be a hero and what is needed to keep this job.

What do we learn?

In this class - which starts in the third year of your education at Metropolis University - there are many things to learn. You will learn how to deal with being a public superhero, what morality is, all about superhero suits, and even more. Being a superhero isn't just about saving the citizens, it is much more than that.


We can't talk about Hero Advisory without getting either Sonnet Sterling here, am I right? This is why I have an interview with them for you!

Sonnet, Master of Hero Advisory

Not only is Sonnet a Superhero themselves, but they also help in creating new superheroes - here, at MetU, by teaching a bunch of young students about the subject.


Why did you want to become the Master of Hero Advisory and not the Master of another subject?
I thought it could be cool to have someone a little less traditional teach the course in becoming a Hero to show that there are multiple roads you can go down to end up a hero- it's ok if we don't all start in the same place. Also it's just a cool course. Who wouldn't want to get to teach people to be superheroes?

If you would be the Master of another subject, what would it be?
As for already available courses, probably Foreign Languages or Superpower Training- I speak quite a few languages, and I just think Superpower Training is cool. As for subjects that aren't currently available, Music! I'm an avid musician.

What is your favorite thing about teaching?
I love the lesson writing for this subject. There's something about it that brings it closer to a mentorship than a conventional class, and that gives me a lot of opportunities to open some doors for character interaction both in the lessons and in the homework. I also love grading homework and getting to see all of the thought and creativity behind it. Some students submit some really cool work!

Is there something you think students should know before taking Hero Advisory?
One of the fundamental beliefs in my course is that anyone can be a hero- they just have to make the right choices. Think your character's power/ past/ circumstances makes them a villain, or that you can't be a hero because of them? Give the course a shot. You might find yourself surprised.


In conclusion, the subject of Hero Advisory is quite an important one. It is a subject that fits everyone, even if you aren't fully sure about being a hero. Sonnet will most definitely help you through it.

Are you curious about what subject we might discuss next time? Then stay on the lookout for any new blogs that will get published in the future.

Written by:

Carson Roseblades

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