A Look Into Superpowers Issue #1

By: Alexis Sanchez

Hello there my lovely kings, queens, and all in-between! I had a dream that we would meet again on this lovely date. Or did I?... The world may never know. Speaking of dreams, you ever heard of oneiromancy? Well our lovely Erin Frost, a friendly oneiromancer, suggested oneiromancy to be the power I dive into this week (no bias there, none at all x3). Well Erin and the rest of ya darlins, let's get into it shall we?

What exactly is oneiromancy? It sounds like it should be the real name for monogamy (one romance, get it?), but it's actually a rare form of divination that was mostly lost to time until recently. People who can practice oneiromancy are able to tell the future through dreams. It sounds pretty powerful, but that all depends on the how and when.

The how is the first part. Exactly how does the oneiromancy work? Most oneiromancers get random dreams and visions. They're uncontrollable, and occur pretty much on their own time. However, it may be possible to induce certain forms of sleeping, thereby inducing the prophetic dream state. But when in the future are you looking at? Are you seeing a week in the future? Months? Years? It's hard to tell until the future actually comes to pass, and there's no real way of envisioning the exact part of the future that you want to, at least not without very hard training and sheer dedication. This makes oneiromancy a more spontaneous power that truly varies per individual. It can either be very reliable, or not reliable at all. I have a theory that most of us can use a small form of oneiromancy, but forget our dreams afterwards, hence deja vu.

And that's the end of that breakdown! Remember folks, if you have any specific powers you want me to take a look at, make sure to send me a mail! Signing off.

Coded by GreenSoda