Superhero or Villian?!
By: Audrey McKnight
Welcome, welcome back to another edition of; Superhero or Villain?. I hope that you are just as excited as I am about this new one, for this might be a little tiny bit harder than the past. Ah! Now I remember! The right answer to the previous edition after all those hints was; SUPERBOY! Congratulations to those who got that right, a nice surprise will await you! And for you all, better luck next time! ^-^
Drum roll, please! What is yall waiting for? Let's head right into the hints of this week - superhero OR Villain? What are there to lead upon?
• Hint 1: same as the comics
• Hint 2: hates his super name
• Hint 3: was the 13th attempt
• Hint 4: can be controlled by Cadmus
• Hint 5: is a half clone
Remember dm me your answer and if right there will be a treat for you but guess wrong good luck next time
Thank you all remember I love you all and wish you the best of luck.
Code by Eli Giordano