Last Week's Answer:
Silver banshee

Winners for last week:
There were no correct answers

Hello Superheroes and Villains! I am Audrey McKnight and we are here for another issue of Superhero or Villain. If you did not manage to guess last week's superhero, fear not, you have many chances to do so every Thursday biweekly.



You can win an amazing smartphone, to see the nets in it and share all our great posts! :D


With that, let's get started! Once again, below are the hints to the superhero or villain! All the best! ♥


 He was brillant but a social outcast
★ Was rarely noticed by others
★ Is a minor character in a movie
★  Was also apart of the sucide squad.

Submit your answers here:

Alright thats all from me - until next time! Do remember to submit your answers in the google form! XD
