Hello lovelies! Today I come to you with another staff review - about none other than the wonderful Artemis Creed! So many people pitched in for this amazing, fantastical, lovely bootiful woman, and I am so grateful to you all!
Now - without further ado, let us dive right into the reviews. Headfirst! Because they're amazing. Thank you everyone who did these!
It’s hard to know where to begin or what words would ever be enough to describe such a woman. A woman who has been through a lot yet fought her way to where she is today. Artemis has grown to be so much more than just the chairwoman of WoMH, she has grown to be a friend and someone I really enjoy talking to about everything from heaven to earth. I’ve gotten so lucky and I could not thank anyone enough for her entering my life when I needed someone the most. Through dark times she helped me back up and together we do absolutely everything to make WoMH a happy place for people to be and feel safe.
There will come days when stuff are hard, when decisions has to be made- decisions the two of us struggle with. Though together we build each other up to better versions of ourselves, together we push through and we handle those situations a whole lot easier than if we had been alone. I have never met someone as caring and sweet. Someone that wants nothing but the best for our site and the people spending their time on it. She’s dedicated and always working hard to please and make friends with everyone.
She’s not only my rock but also the rock of others on the site. Artemis deserves the world and so much more. I wish I could have given her everything to prove what she means to me. To prove that her hard work really pays of and is already making a change for me and others. I cannot think about someone better to be running the site with. Her creative soul and kind heart is nothing money can buy, and only a rare few in this universe will ever dare to compete with such a person. Artemis, I love you and I can’t wait for our future together as chairwoman and president! We got this." Julia Morgan
Personally, I don't know Artemis too well. However, I'm certain that she's exactly the blueberry that this site needs. In the little while I've known her, Ms. Creed has been nothing but supportive, empathetic, and helpful. She's so active and chat and is always incredibly fun to talk to. I have no doubt that Artemis will live up to all expectations, especially since she's adored by so many people on site. Lachlan Hayes
Artemis is a wonderful bean whom I have had the privilage of knowing for some time now. Not only is she a hard worker for the site, but she is also a very caring person outside of it as well. She has a way to make anyone feel like a million bucks, and is very easy to approach and talk to whenever there might be concerns, or if advice is needed. I am so proud of everything she has accomplished, and am very lucky to call her my friend. Oakley Derrington
Artemis... Where do I even begin. This woman stole my heart from the first moment I met her last year in April. She has been by my side ever since and supported me. She has a million hearts of gold. She works crazy hard to make everyone happy and is always there when you need someone that listens to you. You have people that you can click within the first hour you meet them. Artemis is one of those people, she is amazing, funny, weird, crazy, I won't ever have enough words to describe how amazing she is. She has been in my heart from the moment I got to know her till the end of my days. I love her to pieces and if you become friends with this person you are even luckier than to win the lottery. I love you Artemis and you know that from the bottom of my heart!
Next weeks lucky Staff Member is... Julia Morgan!
So go! Send me a mail or Discord message with a nice message about this lovely alien!