Metahuman Classes
Edition #10
Hello, Metahumans! Welcome to a new edition of 'Metahuman Classes'. In this blog, we talk about the different classes we have on our site. This week we'll talk about...
Why do we learn it?
At Metropolis University - and even outside of this - there are people from different cosmic races. Meaning, not everyone is from Earth. Studying the different planets and the aliens who live on here can be quite useful. Not only this but light, gravity, and radiation, are all things you would want to know something about.
What do we learn?
Most people think that Astronomy is just about planets. However, just like the Master of this subject will tell you, that is not all Astronomy is about. You will be thought about the galaxy, zodiac signs, and there is even a class about Gamma-Ray. Who knew that would be something you will learn about? Interesting, isn't it?
We can't talk about Astronomy without getting
Atlas Toscano here, am I right? This is why I have an interview with them for you!
Atlas, Master of Astronomy
Atlas has been the Astronomy Master for quite a while now. However, that doesn't mean he isn't still excited about his subject. When he started teaching it, Atlas fell in love with the subject.
Why did you want to become the Master of Astronomy and not the Master of another subject?
I grew up studying Space and Planets as a child and I always was a huge nerd for them. It was so fascinating to me that there were planets similar to ours, but none of them were the same. Teaching about Astronomy allows me to geek out about one of the few passions I have in life.
If you would be the Master of another subject, what would it be?
Undergraduate-wise, I would have to say Foreign Languages. Graduate-wise, I'd have to say Ancient History!
What is your favorite thing about teaching?
The creativity I get to put into the lessons! From the coding to the assignments and everything in between, it lets me be so creative with my work.
Is there something you think students should know before taking Botany?
Astronomy is more than just planets, there's an entire part of it that most people ignore when studying the subject.
In conclusion, Astronomy is quite a useful subject with a lot of different things to it, not just planets. Atlas knows all about it and will certainly help you out with all of his knowledge.
Are you curious about what subject we might discuss next time? Then stay on the lookout for any new blogs that will get published in the future.
Written by:

Carson Roseblades
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