Welcome to a brand new episode of
"The Power over Me", the blog where you will learn more about where your power came from and what you can do without it.
Did you all stay inside the last full moon? Well don't worry, last week we learned more about the
Lycanthropes, but this week will be about normal humans. Well, more or less human at least. Some
Cyborgs have the unique gift of
Bio-Fission, something that is equally cool and dangerous.
For those of you who have never heard of it, don't worry, neither did I. Bio-Fusion, yes... But Bio-Fission, sorry, I had to look it up. When I read 'Duplication' it completely made more sense to me!
Bio-Fission is duplication, you can multiply yourself. These diploids often are quite like you and the number of duplications can vary from person to person. However, these diploids always seem to be in contact with the host, so if one of them is hurt or killed, this will have consequences for the host too.
Interesting right!?
For this weeks article, I asked
Khal Lestrange, one of the Operation Officers, to tell me more about his life.
"I mean, Bio-fission doesn't work the same for everyone, honestly. But basically, it's the ability to replicate our cellular structure - meaning we can make one or more exact copies of ourselves. The number of duplicates we're able to do and whether or not they have their own individual personalities is something that differs from metahuman to metahuman. I hope I made that easy to understand?
In my particular case, it's a family thing. I don't know exactly how many generations it goes back, but it's for sure at least 5. Only the women tho! I've been getting trained by my mother - pretty much since I could walk - and let me tell you, she does not go easy on me. I don't blame her, it's just... our way. After we fight and defeat our first high ranking villain, we receive our face paint. I got mine when I was 13, defeating a Daxamite. Ever since then, I don't fight without it - ever!
I can duplicate twice and they both have their own personalities - Heda and Kora. Heda is the most aggressive one, she's usually the one I replicate when I need some backup fighting. Kora is a lot more sensible, but she still fights like hell - I mean, both duplicates were trained with me since I started reproducing them at 7-years-old. All of us share the same knowledge, the same memories - and what changes, you may ask? Well, each of us deals with it in a different matter.
In a way, it's like they're my sisters. I remember sneaking when I was a kid and duplicating them to play. Of course, mother wasn't happy when she found out, but it didn't stop me from doing it from time to time. Honestly? I don't think I could live without them, they're part of me - quite literally."
Want to learn more about your power or do you want to share your experience with your power, feel free to send me a message!