Metahuman Graduates
Edition #1
Heroes and Heroism
After having several editions of discussing the various classes that Metropolis University has to offer us, it is time to look at what can be reached after finishing these classes. You have graduated from MetU, but what do you do now? Well, that's why this new blog series exists!
Metahuman Graduates is all about the graduate classes and what possible jobs you can gain from them. The subject we will look into for this edition is...
Heroes and Heroism!
The course of Heroes and Heroism takes two years. In these two years, you will be preparing yourself to be a superhero. You will not only learn about the ways of a superhero and what a job like that actually means, but you will also look deeper into yourself. What would make you a good superhero? How would you deal with specific situations? What would your superhero name be? Those are all questions you will get answered in Heroes and Heroism.
Once you have taken all of the classes of Heroes and Heroism, you might even find yourself gaining the
superhero job. Do know, that this is not an easy job. People will start looking up to you and will need your help. However, a true superhero will be able to enjoy the job and save the world.
(hover over the area below to read)
Interview with Lynn Sutton

For quite some time now, Lynn has been a superhero herself. However, as a Superhero, she goes by the name of Voiceless Flare - which I think sounds very cool. Her classes are wonderful and really show how important superheroes are.
Why did you decide to become the Master of Heroes and Heroism?
That's actually a really good question. As a person, I always seek for why, but I rarely do that to myself, so the answer to this question would simply be because I wanted it. I want people to have the opportunity to be heroes -- the more heroes there are, the safer the world is. I believe many people want this too.
What is your favourite thing about being a Graduate Master?
I'd say, a different level of students that you teach. Masters in Metropolis University have to teach younger people -- in this case, teenagers and young adults. Graduate Masters, on the other hand, teach mostly young adults and adults. In general, they're already mature enough, so the challenge is to shape their mind to follow the lessons. It's a challenge that I like though, and it's easier as well because I literally don't have the patience to teach teenagers.
What makes Heroes and Heroism different from any other class?
We focus on the goodness in ourselves that help us get through everything to help people, and I think it's something that you can't see in other classes -- especially not in Villainry. Healing might have this too! But of course, we help people differently. I'd say that my course is also different because of the goal. Your goal is to be a superhero, not just to graduate. It's a lifetime commitment that requires constant dedication and motivation.
What do you think people with the job of Superhero can and should contribute to the Metahuman world?
Of course, helping people in need, because that's what we do. I think we need more people who initiate helping people, not just wait around until they're summoned.
In one sentence, why should people take Heroes and Heroism?
Because it's everyone's job to do the right thing, but it's a hero's job to ensure that everyone is, indeed, doing the right thing.
Is there anything people should know before taking Heroes and Heroism?
My lessons are full of various physical activities. Some of them are obviously connected to the act of "saving people", but some of them are also built for mental preparation. So, I think people need to bear in mind that they will have a lot of things to do. Most of them aren't super hard, but they do require patience, dedication, and motivation.
You've already reached the end of today's blog post. This one was all about Heroes and Heroism - a graduate class for the people who want to do some good - but who knows what graduate class we might discuss next time. Stay on the lookout for the next edition!
Carson Roseblades
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