Metahuman Graduates

Edition #4


Welcome to a new edition fo the blog series Metahuman Graduates, where we discuss the possibilities for you once you've graduated from Metropolis University. Today we continue this series with the subject of... Science!

When you hear Science, you probably think about biology, physics, chemistry, and any subject like these. Those thoughts are completely right, as all of these things will be a part of what you have to learn in these classes. You will find yourself in a lab more often than not. Here you will be experimenting and doing research. You will even convert your own ideas into reality. After all, science is not just re-doing experiments that already exist, it is coming up with your own research.

After three years of science, you are able to call yourself a Scientist. This means that you will continue doing your research, maybe in the lab, but this could be field research as well. There are lots of different scientific fields and you will be working on one of those - think about chemicals, medicines, plant life, and more.

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Interview with Leofwine Lucentius

Whenever you go to a lab, you might just find Leofwine there. Because not only is he leading the Legion Team, but he is a scientist himself as well!

Why did you decide to become the Master of Science?
I love inventions! Back in those years when I was still a student at Metropolis University, I had a huge interest in most of the subjects that are related to science, and in fact, I used to work in a medical laboratory as I finished my studies. A scientist, I was! However, there was, well, an accident that happened years ago which made me lose my job, and I had been trying to live my life by becoming a fortune teller… How unfortunate that was-
Well, long story short, I was then offered to become a Graduate Master of Science. I did hesitate at first, but I missed working with the science equipment and not to mention that I could have an interaction with the people instead of locking myself in a room. I took that opportunity, and I didn’t regret it.

What is your favourite thing about being a Graduate Master?
To be honest, I only find out that I have a passion for teaching when I am being offered to become a Graduate Master. I love sharing my findings, and science is all about searching for solutions and testing for a possible method. The more people listen to my proposal, the more ideas we will get from it. And of course, I’d like to see more scientists in the future!

What makes Science different from any other class?
People might think our class is for nerds. Although it is not wrong, we do have exciting challenges other than reading theories from those boring-looking books. First of all, we have experiments, we also can create new inventions with our imagination and knowledge, and lastly, we will be going for an adventure once in a while!

What do you think people with the job of Scientist can and should contribute to the Metahuman world?
The Metahuman world is full of advanced technology and I believe that requires scientists to work on their part. Not only to fulfil the basic needs of humans but also to bring convenience in our life. I believe I’ve been mentioning the word ‘invention’ quite a lot, and it is quite important when it comes to technology development for a civilisation.

In one sentence, why should people take Science?
To broaden your horizon, to discover the abstruse of science; not only about yourself and your ability or your power, but the entire universe.

Is there anything people should know before taking your subject?
You will be expected to do your research on your own or with a group, and thus you will be required to have a mature thought when it comes to analysing or experimenting. Sometimes you will be facing an obstacle as you approach deeper into science, and thus you must be patient and always ask yourself if there is any better solution to solve your questions. You might be constantly going through a tedious process when it comes to experimenting, but it does ‘taste’ sweet when you finally have the outcome. Never give up, but it is okay to take a short break.

You've already reached the end of today's blog post. This one was all about Science - a graduate class for the people who like to experiment and learn all about inventing - but who knows what graduate class we might discuss next time. Stay on the lookout for the next edition!

Arven Keating-Syndulla

If you're interested in being a Public Relations Officer, check out the club and sent an application to me, Arven Keating-Syndulla, the Commander of Public Relations.
coded by Issie