Metahuman Graduates

Edition #5


Welcome to a new edition fo the blog series Metahuman Graduates, where we discuss the possibilities for you once you've graduated from Metropolis University. Today we continue this series with the subject of... Law!

People who would like to take the subject of Law should be interested in diplomacy and the daily lives of a lawyer. Because that is what you will focus on during the law class. Of course, it is much more than this. You will start with reciting the preamble and continue on to learn about the various rights and laws the country has. But, at the end of the day, you will mainly focus on how to defend someone in court and what things are like at court.

Within a year of taking this class, you might be able to call yourself a Lawyer. From there on you will start to work on different cases and defend people in court. You will help them and investigate the case to find everything out about it. There are lots of different things you could fight for and it's up to you to pick something.

(hover over the area below to read)

Interview with Zinnia Jorahsdottir

At first this Master - and Commander - might seem a little bit strict in her classes, but believe me, she means well and know tons of things about the subject of Law.

Why did you decide to become the Master of Law?
Honestly, it was so long ago I do not even recall why I originally went for the position. May have had something to do with me wanting to take over the world, and this being the best fit on how to do so, okay so maybe not entirely that. Though I do recall wanting to help out more around the site, and as I had some time on my hands, I thought why not. Plus I was previously the Diplomacy Master and I missed writing lessons, so this gave me the opportunity to do so.

What is your favourite thing about being a Graduate Master?
I love the colour it is very calming, and while I do not hold it myself I enjoy looking at it. But truly I enjoy reading the assignments that users do. As after they have made it through seven years and then somehow managed to survive, it is nice to see how all that development led to taking Law. It is like when all the puzzle pieces come together, and I get the chance at seeing the finished view!

What makes Law different from any other class?
It is taught by me. That is the most significant there is because there is no other Master like Zinnia (thankfully.) The students are probably appreciative that there is only one master like Zinnia because handling two would be disastrous. The class is different though as it doesn't delve into how to handle something or how to train, it doesn't revolve around powers either. It is about the law, the different functions of it, and how it works.

What do you think people with the job of Lawyer can and should contribute to the Metahuman world?
Lawyers are definitely needed anywhere, especially considering everyone has something they can never fully control. Accidentally lighting cars on fire, or flooding classrooms, causing buildings to dance from the ground shaking. Everyone needs that one person that understands them, that believes them, that they can rely on, the one person who will fight for them. That is what lawyers for the Metahuman world do, they help stand for those that need to have their voices heard

In one sentence, why should people take Law?
Because I said so, but also because if you wish to break the law you might as well know how it works to get around it.

Is there anything people should know before taking your subject?
Listen, don't be late, listen, take notes, also did I mention listen?

You've already reached the end of today's blog post. This one was all about Law - a graduate class for the people who are interested in the rights of humans and how to become a lawyer - but who knows what graduate class we might discuss next time? Stay on the lookout for the next edition!

Arven Keating-Syndulla

If you're interested in being a Public Relations Officer, check out the club and sent an application to me, Arven Keating-Syndulla, the Commander of Public Relations.
coded by Issie