Metahuman Graduates
Edition #6
Ancient History
Welcome to a new edition fo the blog series
Metahuman Graduates, where we discuss the possibilities for you once you've graduated from Metropolis University. Today we continue this series with the subject of...
Ancient History!
Architecture. Culture. Stories. Sculptures. All those things are a part of the Ancient History class. It is an educational course where you'll specifically focus on the past. You will learn about Ancient Greece and Ancient Italy, but it's more than just that. As you will learn about how they used to deal with certain things and you might even be able to apply it to the present. Or maybe you will just focus on the beauty of the ancient world. Either way, you will learn things you never knew before.
After two years of studying Ancient History, you can obtain the job of Historian - with which you might be teaching history at universities or with which you might translate ancient scripts - or the job of Archeologist, with this job you might study ancient buildings and sites. You can choose which out of the two you might get, but either way, you will still be focusing on the ancient world.
(hover over the area below to read)
Interview with Charlie Morningrise

If you ever need an archeologist, or just simply want to know something about Ancient History, then Charlie is the person to go to. He is really interested in his own subject and that shows in his great lessons!
Why did you decide to become the Master of Ancient History?
I decided to become the Master of Ancient History because it personally is a subject which is very close to me, and which I know also interests many others. Most importantly, I felt that because it interested me, I was able to put a lot of great work and ideas into it, which hopefully would make it fun for others to take too.
What is your favourite thing about being a Graduate Master?
I believe my favourite thing about being a Graduate Master's is being able to see graduated users taking my course and using it as a way to build their characters or put them into a situation they normally would not be in. Generally, the homework that I get and which I get to read and grade is my favourite thing.
What makes Ancient History different from any other class?
I mean, I highly believe that all of the classes are unique, but Ancient History is different in the way that the topics you will experience and learn about you will neither have touched upon through your education at Met-U or the other graduate classes. You will have a big part which is both theoretical but also practical, and I am sure you will get to learn plenty of new things taking the course!
What do you think people with the job of Historian and Archeologist can and should contribute to the Metahuman world?
The good thing about educating yourself to either a Historian or an Archeologist is opening up many opportunities for yourself - both within the Metahuman world, but also outside it, depending on what you wish to do. With either of these job titles, I believe that you are more than educated to inform and research the past history within the Metahuman world which might sometimes be forgotten, and you are also more than educated to inform others of that information. Who knows - maybe you will make the next big breakthrough which completely changes our view and knowledge of Metahuman history?
In one sentence, why should people take Ancient History?
People should take Ancient History because it is an educational course, which gives you many different opportunities to explore different areas within history.
Is there anything people should know before taking your subject?
It might seem a bit strange when you arrive at the address, as it is the address of a little antique shop - please do not be fooled! If you step inside and either ask an employee or follow the many signs, you will find yourself in the room where we will be learning about Ancient History. Besides that, you can freely loan antique books from the antique shop for your classes, and they give a pretty big 50% discount for all participants of the course if you find anything that interests you!
You've already reached the end of today's blog post. This one was all about Ancient History - a graduate class for the people who want to know more about our past - but who knows what graduate class we might discuss next time? Stay on the lookout for the next edition!
Arven Keating-Syndulla
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Arven Keating-Syndulla, the
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