Metahuman Graduates

Edition #9

Bureaucratic Studies

Welcome to a new edition of the blog series Metahuman Graduates, where we discuss the possibilities for you once you've graduated from Metropolis University. Today we continue this series with the subject of... Bureaucratic Studies!

The course of Bureaucratic Studies will show you around the Bureau of Metahuman Affairs and how everything works there. You will get all they entail. But that is not the only thing. This subject is more than that. You will be exploring yourself in the first year and developing your own skills. With that, you will learn more about what a work environment is and what kind of environment you might prefer. Next to that, you might even do some practice or learn how to deal with certain situations.

Upon finishing this course, there are many possibilities. As soon as you finish the two years of studying Bureaucratic Studies, you will be offered a job at one of the many departments at the bureau. There are 11 in total, ranging from Metahuman Education to Health and Services to Intergalactic Communications. It is totally up to you to decide in which department specifically you would like to work. No matter which one you choose, though, you will be doing important work for all Metahumans.

(hover over the area below to read)

Interview with Rebecca Davenport

We all know Rebecca as our President of Metahuman Affairs, but before that, she actually worked in lots of different departments. Rebecca has tons of experience at the bureau and truly is the right person to teach this class. Interested in more regarding that? Well, that's what the interview is for!

Why did you decide to become the Master of Bureaucratic Studies?
Honestly? At the time, this just felt right. I was new to my work at the Department of Metahuman Education, but I've been working for the bureau for a long time. More than 5 years I'm sure! The position was empty when I moved department, so I decided to take care of the class. Besides, we want more metas to work for the bureau, don't we?

What is your favourite thing about being a Graduate Master?
The flexibility and maturity. Even though being an adult doesn't necessarily mean being an adult, you can still feel some differences there. For me, teaching adults is way easier than teaching teenagers. You also have a clearer goal: you want these people to be good workers in the future. So, that's what you're putting in your lessons. As a master, you just teach so they'd know, but that doesn't necessarily have to be their career path.

What makes Bureaucratic Studies different from any other class?
Obviously, people who graduate from this class will automatically be offered a position at the bureau, that's the main difference. Also, in this class, they will look closely at each department and see what the departments are doing. They will also have some kind of "job counselling" at first to determine which department fits them best.

What do you think people with the job of Bureau Senior Staff can and should contribute to the Metahuman world?
In decision-making and problem-solving. We're not living in a universe full of peace; there's chaos everywhere. Their job as senior staff members is to find the solutions to reduce the chaos according to their departments.

In one sentence, why should people take Bureaucratic Studies?
To make our universe a better place to live for all metahumans.

Is there anything people should know before taking your subject?
I don't think there is anything specific. If you wish to learn more about how we manage all things metahuman, this is your place! We also don't force people to work at the bureau upon finishing. As long as people still do their best and help everyone with everything they can, it's already a step to a better living place.

You've already reached the end of today's blog post. This one was all about Bureaucratic Studies - a graduate class for the people who might be interested in working at one of the many departments and making this place better for all metahumans - but who knows what graduate class we might discuss next time? Stay on the lookout for the next edition!

Arven Keating-Syndulla

If you're interested in being a Public Relations Officer, check out the club and sent an application to me, Arven Keating-Syndulla, the Commander of Public Relations.
coded by Issie