February 2042 Edition nº7

Multiverses – And Everything In Between

While most are more than aware of what the Multiverse is, it is not unlikely that some find the concept slightly confusing

When reading about DC Comics, or generally interacting with content about the comics, the Multiverse is a concept that many have found themselves falling over more than once. But, you might have asked yourself – what exactly is the Multiverse? In this blog, we will try and come around the term as clearly as possible, while answering any curious questions you might have regarding the Multiverse, cause there is quite a bit to know about it. First of all, the Multiverse is generally considered to be a “cosmic construct”. Within the DC Comics, this means that it is a construct which consists of multiple different fictional universes. These are the universes in which the different scenarios of the comics take place, and it is known that the worlds within the multiverse share their space and fates.

What are the different ages of the Multiverse?

The Multiverse is placed into different ages – to be exact, there are 3 large ages. The Golden Age was the very first age of the comics, and also what loosely made up the multiverse. This age was established in 1938-1956, and it included a few crossover comics, including one where the characters were included in making the JSA, Justice Society of America. Later, we also saw the multiverse being used when Wonder Woman (Wonder Woma #59, May 1953), was transported to a parallel world, establishing the multiverse even further.

The Silver Age of the multiverse were up next and started out with the reboot of a new Flash, which earned incredible success and led to other popular heroes from the Golden Age being rebooted with the same name and powers, but otherwise as completely different characters. The “Flash of Two Worlds” (The Flash #123, 1961) was one of the main stories to truly establish the multiverse during this time. Here, Flash ends up on Earth where the original Flash existed – here we learn that the stories of the original Flash were just fiction for the new Flash, much like the comics were simply fiction for us. The story presents the fact that two worlds can encounter each other and the true existence of the Multiverse, but it also manages to represent some key elements about the Multiverse, such as all the universes apparently vibrating at a specific frequency that is which keeps them separated, but that someone can tune the vibration, and by doing that they can move around the different universes. We also get to know why the new Flash knew about the original Flash – apparently, some are capable of tuning the worlds within their dreams, and wrote different comics from their dreams, leaving them to become fiction in other universes.

Lastly, we have the Modern Age, which probably is the one that most of us know the most about. To avoid continuity problems of the Multiverse, it was established that a single Universe existed with most of the elements of the surviving Earths, but it didn’t take long until alternate realities once again would pop up. During the Modern Age, a new important rule was made within the DC Universe – there could only be one timeline, which meant that if time travellers were to make changes to the timelines, it would cause destruction to their own timeline.

Why are there so many different Earths within the Multiverse?

With the establishment of the Multiverse, it was also established that there existed a concept of parallel Earths, which just had different locations, events, and people. This concept was mainly created to help explain different continuity errors, but also to retell different stories. There are a large amount of different Earths – the Earths from the Golden Age were called Earth-One, and divided into Earth-A and Earth-B. Then came Earth-Two with the Silver Age. Obviously, there are also many other known Earths, such as Earth-S, Earth-X, Earth-Four, and many, many more.

Exactly how does the Multiverse fit into our site?

The Multiverse fits perfectly in there on WoMH – the Earth where Met-U and the rest of the site are based, is considered to be within an alternative universe. Our Earth (Despite just being called “Earth”) parallels the many other Earths that can be found within the alternative universes of the Multiverse. This also means that no canon characters exist within our Earth, but we know about them and their many great deeds, which is why you can study them further on our site, and maybe even become as great as them.
recoded by Issie