September 2042 Edition nº19

Caitlin Snow: The Cold Never Bothered Her Anyway

Caitlin Snow: A Brief DC History

Caitlin Snow is a character that is mostly known for her part in The Arrowverse, where she has been in many episodes of ‘The Flash’. However, her first appearance was in ‘Arrow’, season 2! But more on that later. Because first, let’s look into who exactly she is? (Though, not everything… as there is a lot to tell about Caitlin.)

Dr. Cait Snow

Just like her parents, Caitlin Snow became a scientist and earned the name of Dr. Snow. First she worked for Mercury Labs, but later became a Bio-Engineer for S.T.A.R. Labs. This is where she met Barry Allen; the Flash, for the first time. She was actually present during his particle accelerator incident and later took care of him until he woke up from his coma. Though, this is the way it happened in one timeline. In another timeline, Caitlin was also a doctor, but in this case, one who worked in a hospital. Barry (the Flash) came toward her to ask her to help him fix the timeline… after which she was a Bio-Engineer at S.T.A.R. Labs again.

When Barry officially became the Flash, Caitlin was actually one of the first to join his team - she was there to, mostly provide medical support. Because even superheroes get hurt from time to time. Though, that was until things started to get a little bit strange for Caitlin. As doppelgängers from the different timelines all got involved and Caitlin turned out to be a metahuman.

From Caitlin Snow to Killer Frost to Caitlin Snow to… and so it keeps going

It was anger and rage that made Caitlin Snow take on the name of her doppelgänger name, Killer Frost (sounds a bit extreme, don’t you think?). The first time, this was only briefly, but after having her biochemistry altered multiple times, anger took over completely, and Killer Forst stayed permanently. Or so it seemed because Cisco gave her a choice. A choice to either cure herself or to have it forced onto her - so really, she would be cured either way. But as she saw Cisco almost getting killed, she gained back control over her powers. Thus, she decided to not take on the cure, as she didn’t want to lose her powers if she could control them. She left Team Flash to rediscover herself; which is very understandable with all those different personalities. She later came back to Team Flash, thinking everything was okay, but Killer Frost then returned. It was Iris who showed Snow/Frost (whatever you want to call her by this point) that she could try to be both - both sides could work together instead of fighting. But when they were affected by the Mirror Monarch’s rays, Snow and Frost separated into two different bodies, losing their telepathic connection.

Caitlin Snow’s Powers & Abilities

Yes. Caitlin has a lot of those. So, let’s just go through them real quickly. Starting with Caitlin’s decelerated ageing, meaning she will get grey hairs a lot slower than most of us (aka, she ages slower). Then there are also abilities Caitlin has due to her level of intellect (genius-level intellect); she is a computer specialist, has tons of medical knowledge, and is a master in science and physics. Besides these things, Caitlin is also quite skilled in hand-to-hand combat and can handle most kinds of pain.

Caitlin Snow’s Former Abilities

There is also a list of powers that Caitlin doesn’t have anymore but used to have when she was a metahuman. These include some of the abilities of being a speedster after getting injected with a certain substance. Meaning that she was incredibly fast, could use electrokinesis, was incredibly agile, and had amazing reflexes. Then there are the powers Caitlin had due to having Killer Frost be a part of her. There is, of course, the transformation and communication between the two of them, but there are also powers, such as cryokinesis, that she used to have. This cryokinesis brought cryokinetic breath, constructs, healing, and flight. Basically anything related to ice, Caitlin used to be able to manipulate.

Caitlin Snow: Every Appearance in the DC Universe

The Caitlin Snow, most people know, is a part of the Arrowverse DC shows, but she was actually to be found in different things as well. So, mild spoilers for when you will see her in the DC universe from here on.

DC’s Arrowverse

First, let’s discuss what shows Caitlin was actually visible. As said earlier, the first time Caitlin appeared was in ‘Arrow’ season 2, but this was only for one episode. She did later reappear, though, in seasons 3, 4, 6, and 7. She was also in one episode of ‘Supergirl’ in season 3 and three episodes of ‘DC Legends of Tomorrow’ in seasons 2, 3, and 5 - and she got mentioned a lot there as well. But what do we know her most from? ‘The Flash’. In what feels like almost all episodes, she was visible. From season 1 to season 9, it’s hard to miss her.

Caitlin Snow’s Other Appearances

Besides being in the Arrowverse, Caitlin could also be seen in the first episode of ‘Freedom Fighters: The Ray’. And, of course, plenty of comic books. Including (but not limited to) the ‘The Flash: Season Zero’ series and two ‘Earth-Prime’ comics. And lastly, Caitlin had some mentions in different DC novels. Have you spotted her in any of these?
recoded by Issie