Hello there folks! I am back once again, this time with a very unique power that's not really looked upon that much because of how weird and bloody it is. What is this power you ask? Blood ingestion. "But Alexis, that's not a superpower!" Think again, the power functions different from how you imagine.
The actual ingestion of blood is only the start of this power. By taking in the blood of an enemy, a blood ingestor will unlock one or multiple amongst several amazing different abilities. The duration of this working can depend on the blood type of the person whose blood was ingested, how much blood was ingested, if the blood ingestor has to stay inside a ritualistic circle of blood or make marks of blood on their arm for the power to take full effect, etc. But once the power is fully in effect, it can deal a devastating blow to the enemy.
One of the possible effects is similar to a voodoo doll of sorts. By ingesting an enemy's blood, any injuries that happen to the blood ingestor will happen to the enemy. It's a spiritual link between the bodies that can be dangerous if the blood ingestor has accelerated healing and/or is immortal, because this means they can simply attack themselves to destroy their enemy.
Another potential effect is that it may nullify the enemy's powers. Now while this does usually wear off after a certain time, if the blood ingestor excels in hand to hand combat, this could easily be game over for their enemy. It's a powerful weapon to have at one's disposal.
Yet another plausible effect is that it may copy the enemy's powers. This is especially dangerous if this can stack for different people. What do I mean by that? Well let's say the blood ingestor takes in the blood of three different enemies, if the ability stacks, the blood ingestor would have all three of the enemy abilities at once. There usually is a limit to this stacking, if the blood ingestor can stack, but it's still equivalent to having to face more than one person at once.
The fourth and final possible effect is that it may allow the blood ingestor to possess the enemy. Whether this possession is a full body takeover, a psychic link that allows them to control the enemy body with their mind, or a simple link that forces the enemy to copy their movements, this can turn out to be one of the most dangerous forms of blood ingestion for all involved. For the enemy, their body No longer belongs to them, they're just watching the show. For the blood ingestor, their body is now open to all sorts of attack. It's a sticky situation.
Now there may be even more possible outcomes of blood ingestion that we haven't even seen yet. So if you ever find out you're facing an opponent that has this power, either run, or make sure you don't bleed no matter what. Remember folks, if you have any specific powers you want me to take a look at, make sure to send me a mail! Signing off.