August 2044 Edition nº56

Long Shadow DC: One of Many Teams

Long Shadow: A Former Ultimen

Long Shadow is a rather interesting character. One that doesn’t have too much of a backstory yet - only to be seen in the TV Show Justice League Unlimited, where he was portrayed as one of the Ultimen (all based on Super Friends characters).

Long Shadow: The Humble Ultimen

As an Ultimen, Long Shadow was one who couldn’t care much for the fame or ever actually let it go to his head. He stayed humble, cool-headed, and was always much more focused on the actual goal. Maybe that’s part of the reason why he also admired the Justice League so much and even wanted his team to join them. He was the only one who wanted that, though. The other Ultimen liked their personal fame way more. So it didn’t matter what Long Shadow did; it failed.

Long Shadow Crushing on Wonder Woman

It might have been Long Shadow’s crush on Wonder Woman (which he got after helping out the Justice League) which actually turned the tide. Long Shadow worked together with Wonder Woman, bringing down Bizarro and Giganta. That got him way closer to the Justice League, eventually joining them instead of staying with the Ultimen.

Long Shadow’s Memories

All his life, Long Shadow remembered that his parents were scientists who experimented on him as he was sick and small and could barely survive. That it had been growth hormones which actually made him the way he was. Turned out that wasn't the case. At this point, Long Shadow had only been alive for about a year, and these memories had been implanted in his brain. Due to Long Shadow still being so young, he had many powers to figure out. Such as his super-hearing helping him eavesdrop on Maxwell Lord, Professor Hamilton, and Amanda Waller.

The Ultimen Clones

After that specific eavesdrop session, they found out clones were being made of the Ultimen. Maxwell Lord told them they were genetically engineered and had implanted memories. Part of some kind of weird project for Cadmus. Obviously, the Ultimen rebelled and stormed the building. Long Shadow didn’t join, however. As the Ultimen attacked some civilians who did nothing wrong during this takeover. Long Shadow actually rescued those civilians. The Justice League stood beside Long Shadow this whole time - unlike his previous team, who he parted ways with. As said before, this and his friendship with Wonder Woman led to Long Shadow taking on his dream of joining the Justice League. Sadly, only for a month, when his short life ended. Although… Some clones of him were still set into the world after his passing…

Long Shadow DC: A Weakness and a Power

Long Shadow is no stranger to the DC World. Which means he is also no stranger to having superpowers (and some weaknesses). He has these due to more so being ‘created’ (genetically engineered) than actually being born.

Long Shadow’s Superpowers

The most well-known superpower Long Shadow has is his size alteration - which also comes with superhuman strength and durability. Long Shadow is able to increase (not decrease) his physical size and mass whenever he wants to. How high he can actually go is unknown, but let's say that he could reach even taller heights than Giganta - which is insane! Next to this size alteration, Long Shadow also has super-hearing - meaning he can basically hear any secret conversation going on close by him.

Long Shadow’s Weakness

The known weakness that Long Shadow has is cellular atrophy. This is something all Ultimen suffered from and it basically means that the genetic engineering process that he was made with was imperfect. His powers will begin to mutate which means that his life ended rather sooner than later.
Did you know all of this about Long Shadow? Or had you never heard about him before? Either way, let us know in the comments to win a small prize!
recoded by Issie