October 2044 Edition nº58

Gotham City: Where The Nightmares Are

Gotham City, or Gotham, is a fictional city located in The United States of America. This city, of course, exists in the DC Universe and is the home of one of our favorite superheroes, Batman. There are various versions of the city, but no matter what universe tells the story, this city remains a dark place with a lot of crimes going on. Unfortunately, aside from Batman, this city is also the home for a lot of villains, such as Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Scarecrow, Clayface, Mister Freeze, and so on.

Origin Story of Gotham City

One might wonder, how does a city become so evil? Here is the story of how Gotham City became what we know as of today!

Doctor Gotham The Evil Warlock

There is no certain information about how Gotham City was established. However, many millennia ago, it was said that an evil warlock was buried alive in the center of the city. Due to this, people believe that the essence of his evilness was spread all over the area, causing Gotham City to be a place filled with people having thoughts to commit crimes every time. This warlock is later on known as Doctor Gotham–actually by his own personal claim, most likely before being buried.

Miagani Tribe The Original People of Gotham

After Doctor Gotham was buried and before the Europeans came to discover America, Gotham land was the home of the Native American tribe called the Miagani Tribe. It wasn’t exactly known how long they stayed there, but as always, there was a mystery in their disappearance. It was believed that there was a shaman called Blackfire who claimed himself as a holy messenger. However, he turned out to be evil. When he was kicked out of the tribe, he threw a tantrum and destroyed the entire tribe. Such a sad story, if it were true.

Other Versions of Miagani Tribe and Gotham

There was another version of the story within the DC Universe where instead of destroying them, Blackfire caused the area to be bare. The Miagani tribe had no choice but to leave Gotham, but unfortunately during their journey to find a new fertile land, they were ambushed by another tribe. No one from the tribe was left. Another sad and tragic story for this tribe.

The Europeans’ Arrival

In 1609, Henry Hudson of the Dutch East India Company came to discover this New World and arrived in our DC Gotham area. A colony decided to live in that area. During their stay, they discovered a Miagani totem in front of a sealed cave. Not knowing anything about the totem, they threw it away. Apparently, the totem was to seal Blackfire inside the cave. After being released, he destroyed the entire colony without any traces left.

Arkham Asylum’s Possible Origin

An asylum for the insane was built by a man named Hiram during the time when the first Europeans were there. Actually, this asylum was believed to be the first settlement of the Europeans!

Jon Logerquist The Founder of Gotham City

After the first troop by Henry Hudson, came a Swedish mercenary-sailor called Jon Logerquist in 1635. He settled in the southern village area which would later be known as Old Gotham. On the northern island of the area, he made a farm for the living of his people. This man is later known as the founder of Gotham City.

The Waynes’ Arrival

In the later 18th century until half of the 19th century, Gotham was named as Gotham Town, and was known as a port city. Darius Wayne, a patriot in the American army during the war against the British, was awarded a large plot of land for his heroism. In this land, he built a family estate called Wayne Manor. And of course, he is the ancestor of our very own Bruce Wayne from our beloved DC Comics.

Places of Interest in Gotham City

Even though this place is known to be evil, of course the city itself is still pretty interesting to be looked at. Here are the list of popular places in DCs Gotham City, especially the ones that you can visit right here, on World of Metahumans.

Famous Places

The first one should be Arkham Asylum, even though it’s not exactly a tourist attraction. For places of business, we have Iceberg Lounge, Gotham Opera House, S.T.A.R. Labs, and of course, Wayne Enterprises. Of course, this city also has several schools, such as Gotham City High School, Gotham University, and a lot of others which don’t always have the word “Gotham” in the name. Gotham has a lot of facilities, functioning as a normal city. It might be full of crime, but it’s also not a bad place to live.

You Can Visit Gotham in WoMH!

On World of Metahumans, you can certainly visit some areas in Gotham. Under the “Gotham” menu, you can see four options: Arkham City, Gotham Village, Gotham Harbor, and Burnley. You can find most topic areas under Arkham City: Wonder Avenue, Crime Alley, and Iceberg Lounge. Under Gotham Village, if you’re in the mood for something horror, the abandoned Gotham Martyr Church is a place to go. And of course, Gotham Harbor can also be used for topics!

Gotham The TV Show

Gotham even has its own TV show–or well, it’s a TV show about the crimes committed in Gotham City. This series aired on Fox in 2014-2019. It started with James Gordon and Harvey Bullock, the police of Gotham City Police Department, who were investigating the murder of Bruce Wayne’s parents. Our favorite soon-to-be Batman was 12 years old at the time. As the series went on, more about these main characters were shown. We don’t see a lot of stories about young Bruce Wayne, do we? So, this series is definitely a must watch!
Gotham is a rather interesting city and has many different (and kind of strange) parts to it. Plus, the people living in it and the activities which have taken place there... Absolutely crazy! Let us know your opinion on this place in the comments to win a small prize!
recoded by Issie