DC Rebirth: A Massive Published Series
DC Rebirth: With Many Issues
DC Rebirth! Today's subject! What does this sound like to you? If you're thinking of something like DC has come to the surface again because of the “rebirth” word, then maybe that is indeed the correct answer! It can kind of be said that DC Rebirth is a massive DC Universe initiative published in May 2016. It contains a lot of issues, timelines, volumes, universes, heroes, and many other DC-related stuff! In short, DC Rebirth is made to refresh the comic book stories you know are included in the DC universe. It also markedthe end of DC’s New 52. DC Rebirth contains all one-shot stories specials for the major characters of the DC universe.
The History of DC Rebirth
The DC Rebirth actually follows the ending of The New 52, which is a publishing era in 2011 after the Flashpoint crossover. The name “DC Rebirth” is taken from the series of Green Lantern, which is “Green Lantern: Rebirth” and “The Flash: Rebirth” written by Geoff Johns. These two series were focusing on the return of Green Lantern and The Flash to an earlier status quo while updating several things as a new thing for the audiences.
The Start of DC Rebirth
It all started in January 2016 with DC Comics co-publisher posting a teaser of DC Rebirth. The next month, the DC Rebirth was fully announced to the audiences and released in May 2016. It returned Action Comics and Detective Comics to their previous numbering (#957 for Action Comics and #934 for Detective Comics) as well as release all comic titles at the price of US$2.99.
DC Rebirth: A Masterguide Comic Book Issues List
DC Rebirth's One-Shots
As it has been said before, DC Rebirth has so many one-shots issues that everyone can read about. If you are interested to read one, then lucky for you, because below you can find the order to follow them in!
The One-Shots:
DC Universe: Rebirth #1 (Released July 2016)
Batman: Rebirth #1 (Released August 2016)
Superman: Rebirth #1 (Released August 2016)
Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1 (Released August 2016)
The Flash: Rebirth #1 ((Released August 2016)
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1 (Released September 2016)
Aquaman: Rebirth #1 (Released August 2016)
Green Arrow: Rebirth #1 (Released August 2016)
Cyborg: Rebirth #1 (Released November 2016)
Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1 (Released August 2016)
Justice League: Rebirth #1 (Released September 2016)
Nightwing: Rebirth #1 (Released September 2016)
Titans: Rebirth #1 (Released August 2016)
Batgirl And the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1 (Released September 2016)
The Hellblazer: Rebirth #1 (Released September 2016)
Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth #1 (Released September 2016)
Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1 (Released October 2016)
Deathstroke: Rebirth #1 (Released October 2016)
Supergirl: Rebirth #1 (Released October 2016)
Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1 (Released October 2016)
Teen Titans: Rebirth #1 (Released November 2016)
Batman Beyond: Rebirth #1 (Released November 2016)
Batwoman: Rebirth #1 (Released April 2017)
Justice League of America: Rebirth #1 (Released April 2017)
Justice League of America: The Atom Rebirth #1 (Released March 2017)
Justice League of America: Killer Frost Rebirth #1 (Released March 2017)
Justice League of America: The Ray Rebirth #1 (Released March 2017)
Justice League of America: Vixen Rebirth #1 (Released March 2017)
DC Rebirth's New #1 Issues
Not only does is this series published in one-shots, DC Rebirth also has the new #1 issues. A series which is also very interesting to read! Want to know what these are? Then below you can find the list of the new #1 issues published by detective comics (DC)!
The New #1 Issues:
Action Comics #957 (Released August 2016)
All-Star Batman #1 (Released October 2016)
Aquaman Vol 8 #1 (Released August 2016)
Batgirl Vol 5 #1 (Released September 2016)
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #1 (Released October 2016)
Batman Vol 3 #1 (Released August 2016)
Batman Beyond Vol 6 #1 (Released December 2016)
Batwoman Vol 3 #1 (Released May 2017)
Blue Beetle Vol 9 #1 (Released November 2016)
Cyborg Vol 2 #1 (Released November 2016)
Deathstroke Vol 4 #1 (Released October 2016)
Detective Comics #934 (Released August 2016)
The Flash Vol 5 #1 (Released August 2016)
Green Arrow Vol 6 #1 (Released August 2016)
Green Lanterns #1 (Released August 2016)
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #1 (Released September 2016)
Harley Quinn Vol 3 #1 (Released October 2016)
The Hellblazer #1 (Released October 2016)
Justice League Vol 3 #1 (Released September 2016)
Justice League of America Vol 5 #1 (Released April 2017)
New Super-Man #1 (Released September 2016)
Nightwing Vol 4 #1 (Released September 2016)
Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol 2 #1 (Released October 2016)
Suicide Squad Vol 5 #1 (Released October 2016)
Super Sons #1 (Released April 2017)
Supergirl Vol 7 #1 (Released November 2016)
Superman Vol 4 #1 (Released August 2016)
Superwoman #1 (Released October 2016)
Teen Titans Vol 6 #1 (Released December 2016)
Titans Vol 3 #1 (Released September 2016)
Trinity Vol 2 #1 (Released November 2016)
Wonder Woman Vol 5 #1 (Released August 2016)
Are you a fan of DC Rebirth? Have you read any of these? Or are you planning to now? We love to hear all about it in the comments! Don’t hesitate to share for a prize!