NAME Met-U's Missions
IG DATE April, 2046
OOG DATE March 2nd, 2025
AUTHOR Arven Keating-Syndulla
Hello Metahumans! My name is Arven Keating-Syndulla and welcome to the second edition of Met-U's Missions. This is the second edition of a bi-weekly blog, so let me provide you with an explanation. Because what is this about?

Well, Met-U's Missions is an interactive blog. Meaning that we need your help. Each week you will be send on another missions (or sometimes you will have to continue last week's mission). I will start with a general introduction about what the mission exactly was. Then, you will be asked to participate. There will be a small puzzle for you to solve, a fill in the blank, sometimes you are asked to create something, and so on. The tasks can be wild.

For participating, you will always receive a small gift and based on what that week's action is, you might even be able to win an extra prize. So don't go away and instead read and participate!
Last Week
Last week, in a lesson of History, given by the great Elias Day, who was teaching you all about the Creature Commandos. Ths lesson was specifically referencing Khalis, the mummy of the team. You even received the question of: What were Khalis' special abilities?

It took some effort for the class to provide their Master will the correct answer - which we definitely don't blame you for, it was a hard one. Fortunately, there was Sally Redfield. She raised her hand high and gave the correct answer "Zombie physiology!" She stated, answering the questuon. "And it gave him superhuman strength, durability, and stamina, also self-sustenance, healing, immortality, empathy, and eldritch blast!" Now that is a whole list of amazing abilities, is it not?
This Week
Okay, so you nailed that History lesson - I'm proud of you, well done! That means it's some time for some time to chill. To relax and just get some rest. After all, it isn't easy, being a Metahuman at Metropolis University. Having to follow classes like Combat, Weaponomics, Computer Science - not easy. But you're doing great!

Anyway, because you deserved it you go back to spend this time in the Headquarters of your League. Because, just recently - these (as well as the dorm rooms) have been renovated and you are quite enjoying spending your time here. With Elementals on the 3rd floor, Cyborgs on the 7th, Hybrid on the 4th, and Cosmic on the 5th. Every Headquarters has their own theme and colour. But what are the primary colours of your League again? Better check out the Headqarters to be sure!

Leave a comment on this blog with what the main colour of your League Headquarters is? Suggestion: check a specific page in your Leagye Club. You will always receive a comic book pack and the first person to get the correct answer will be included in the next article. Plus, that person will receive extra comic books! A little tip: a blog about Khalis has recently been written and can be found on the site ;)