Ra’s al Ghul: An Ageless Supervillain
Ra’s al Ghul: Supervillain and Enemy of Batman
Most of us surely know Ra’s al Ghul as the enemy of Batman in the DC World, and a supervillain. He has been the leader of the League of Assassins, a sect filled with trained warriors that act as bodyguards and mercenaries. The villain has been considered a criminal mastermind, but why don’t we take a closer look at who he is?
The Origin of Ra’s al Ghul
Ra’s al Ghul is considered to have been born to a tribe of desert nomads in Arabia, six hundred years before we first got to meet him. From a young age he had been interested in science, and because of this he leaves his tribes and goes to the city to explore his interest further. Within the city, he educates himself to become a physician in the DC World, and in the end he marries a woman, Sora. Somehow, without much more knowledge about time, he finds the Lazarus’ pit, and saves a dying prince by lowering him into the pit. Unfortunately, the prince is driven insane by the pit, and ends up killing Sora. Eventually, he also declares Ra’s al Ghul guilty for the death of Sora, and sentences him to a slow and tortured death.
Luckily, Ra’s al Ghul is set free by a man, whose mother he had examined earlier. After this eventful happening, Ra’s and the man decide to go looking for Ra’s tribe, and they manage to convince the tribe to engage in revenge by promising them that the king of the city will fall. Ra’s sends the prince contaminated fabrics,

which gives him a deadly virus, and due to the virus, the king of the city comes to find Ra’s to ask him to help the prince once again, and here Ra’s gets his revenge by getting rid of both the King and the prince. He and his tribe take revenge over the city, ensuring its downfall.
Which family and relations do Ra’s al Ghul have?
As we know, Ra’s al Ghul has quite a few relations across his DC Timeline – his former wife Sora, included. His father is Sensei, a man who has trained a large number of assassins for the League of Assassins. They do not have a good relationship, considering that Sensei sees Ra’s as a failure and a cockroach. Ra’s also have multiple children, such as Nyssa Raatko, Talia, and Dusan. He also has a grandson, Damian, who is the son of Talia.
Which abilities does Ra’s al Ghul have?
By using the Lazarus’ Pit, Ra’s has managed to live for several hundreds of years, even if it also has large effects on his abilities. Besides that, he is considered to have a near genius-level intellect, with a great knowledge within science and medicine. He have mastered multiple things such as strategy, tactic, sword fighting, martial arts, and using multiple weapons. On top of this, he is very skilled with languages, able to speak up to 13 languages at least, and probably more.
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