Written and Coded Alexis Sanchez

Song Review

Issue #6

Welcome back folks! This week I will be featuring 'A Girl, A Boy, and a Graveyard,' a song by 'Jeremy Messersmith,' suggested by the sweet chip Giacomo Macmillan. Remember, if you have a song you'd like me to listen to and feature here, just send it to me VIA Mail Post! So, let's dig in shall we?

This song is one of the calmest ones I've reviewed thus far. It's composed of four verses, each having only four lines each, and has a variety of different feelings attatched to it. It can seem romantic, sensual, sad, depressing, hopeful, or even joyful depending on the mood of whoever's listening. The song focuses on vocals and instrumentals, although mostly the calming instrumentals. After hearing the lyrics a few times, the song seemed to be about a girl who's waiting for love again after her first lover died, although I could be wrong about this. With this understanding of the song, it does become sadder, but the emotions it invokes still depends on the mood of the person listening.

What do you think of the song? Let me know below. And remember, if you have any songs you want me to feature on the next blog, send them to me VIA mailpost! Until next time folks!


Song Review
Issue #6
Written and Coded
Alexis Sanchez

Welcome back folks! This week I will be featuring 'A Girl, A Boy, and a Graveyard,' a song by 'Jeremy Messersmith,' suggested by the sweet chip Giacomo Macmillan. Remember, if you have a song you'd like me to listen to and feature here, just send it to me VIA Mail Post! So, let's dig in shall we?

This song is one of the calmest ones I've reviewed thus far. It's composed of four verses, each having only four lines each, and has a variety of different feelings attatched to it. It can seem romantic, sensual, sad, depressing, hopeful, or even joyful depending on the mood of whoever's listening. The song focuses on vocals and instrumentals, although mostly the calming instrumentals. After hearing the lyrics a few times, the song seemed to be about a girl who's waiting for love again after her first lover died, although I could be wrong about this. With this understanding of the song, it does become sadder, but the emotions it invokes still depends on the mood of the person listening.

What do you think of the song? Let me know below. And remember, if you have any songs you want me to feature on the next blog, send them to me VIA mailpost! Until next time folks!