Washington's People Review

by Washington Stuck
A review about the lovely people of WoMH done by none other than your local boysenberry - Washington Stuck! Today's victim is... Ezralynn Hrysovatlantis READ REVIEW

People Review - Ezralynn Hrysovatlantis

by Washington Stuck
Welcome to Washington’s People Review!
What is this you ask? Well, each week, I randomly get a name of one of the beloved Staff, or someone who is very often seen in chat, and I speak my mind on them, as well as give them the wonderful Mango Rating of Friendship.

Today’s Victim, and the first of many, Is none other than our lovely Commander of Public Relations, Ezralynn Hrysovatlantis

Mango Rating: 10 out of 10.

My thoughts: Ezralynn is a very good, close friend person. My partner in crime to be exact. I enjoy her company very much, and though she doesn’t scare me with her many selves, I can fully understand how one may be scared of her. Ah, what else, Lets see, she is a nice person sometimes, and it's always so very entertaining to watch her and Emma interact with each other, as well as her fighting herself. I like her company nonetheless, never a dull moment when she’s around, especially if she gets herself in trouble with someone else.

Would I recommend Befriending?: Yes, If you can get on this woman’s good side, I think you’ll be good. If you’re on her bad side, um, depending on the severity, run.

Thank you all for joining me in this edition of Washington’s people review, be sure to like and Comment your reactions, and tune in next time to find out who I review next.