Superhero or Villain
By: Audrey Mcknight
Hello, hello it's your one and only audrey mcknight here and i hope everyone is having a great new year! I know I have not been bringing you the best superhero or villain blog but a new year means better blogs for you - but i believe in starting over this year and i plan to do just that. Alright; let's get down to business. this superhero is really one of a kind I hope you all will guess her and i feel like going easy on you all this week!

¿ she is a superhero vigilante who fights using martial arts

¿ she was a founding member of the justice league

¿ she went to Gotham city

¿ was in the silver age

¿ her power is a high blast

thank you! now get guessing and dm me or the Public Relations leader the answer - and don't forget to have fun!!