Background Info on the DC Universe
Issue #005
Good day dear readers! Pheobe Lasalle here, back with another blog post. This week, I want to talk about one of my favorite, and I feel most underrated, superheros, Black Canary! A fearless street fighter and frequent partner to Green Arrow, the Black Canary takes on injustice with her ear-piercing "Canary Cry". Have you ever heard the expression "The most beautiful things are the most deadly?" Well it's certainly true for Dinah Lance, a silver-tounged singer with the power to turn her voice into a high pitched frequency she call the "Canary Cry".
The highly-trained martial artist is a master of disguise, and her life hasn't always been easy. Before her singing career took off, Dinah spent most of her time surviing on the streets of Gotham City, and with her rough upbringing, she was taught the value of strength and that gave her the skills to fight back. This is something that later turns out to be a huge asset as a superhero.
Name: Dinah Lance
A.K.A: Black Canary
Gender: Female
Powers: "Canary Cry", excepional martial art skills
Occupation: Songstress
Base of Operations (BoO): Gotham City
Oliver Queen (Green Arrow)
Birds of Prey
Justice Society of America
Justice League
Red Arrow
Harley Quinn
Cassandra Cain
Renee Montoya