Appears in a cloud of rainbow glitter and hella cute floral boutique
What's up my sparkling kings and queens? I am once more alive, and with a new blog! Take that Thanos, I got a ressurection this time!
Coughs Wrong universe my bad.
Snaps fingers
Now that we're back in the Washington DC universe let's get started shall we? You're probably wondering what this new blog is about. Well well haha I have an explanation. This here blog is about superpowers. Every week, I'll take a superpower, canon or make believe, and explore the potential that superpower may have. If you want me to delve into a specific superpower, send me a mail or drop a comment below! I'm alive 67% of the time. The remaining 43% (too gay for math) you don't want to know about. So what superpower am I going to get into you ask? I'm not! That's why there's an 'X' at the issue number, cause the blog hasn't been started yet, just being introduced!
Don't @ me, I know a '0' would've made more sense but I have an aesthetic to please ya know. As I said before, if you want a specific superpower (or superhero if you can't isolate a single power) to be featured, lemme know in the comments below (look at my inner YouTuber go!) or send me a mail! Stay glittered my kings and queens and all in-between! Signing off!