Today we take a leap into the future. Imagine this: 'We do nothing to stop the Earth from heating up. The sun becomes more active, making it even warmer. People around you die because the solarflares and a Virus is set lose in the world to make sure there are little survivers.'

This might not sound as a nice world, but in James Dashner's Maze Runner, this world became a reality. While WICKED is trying to find a cure, the Right Arm is tring to stop them. Welcome to World of Gladers United..

The site takes place inside the WICKED Complex, where every new student will be sorted into one of the four groups. Each group represents a specific skill that you need to survive in the real world and in the Maze WICKED might create.

The first group is the Runners, brave men and women who run around to find an exit and document what they see around them. Being a Runner was the most dangerous job inside the Maze, but it was one of them that made them all escape. The Runners are led by Zac Jackman, a brave man that leads his Runners with discipline and care.

Another vital group is the Slicers. While their name might make you think twice, this is the group that provides food for everyone. They have animals which they take care of and manage the gardens where they grow crops. As their name suggests, Slicers also get the meat we eat, so you might want to make sure you have a strong stomach when you join them. William Lester looks after the Slicers and makes sure that no food is left to waste and that his students behave.
When WoGU went staff live, you could already feel a vibe surrounding it. A vibe that this was going to be different. The plans we had, the people who had joined us, we were a mix and a bunch of people who had an amazing dream and by now that is made into reality. Together with this amazing team with lovely crazy people we create a home. And eventhough we are all about infections and despair we sure love to be surrounded by everyone. The people we have met over the course of the past year have turned into friends. People meeting each other across nations, it's amazing to see how much people have been able to bond over the Maze Runner. And I can only say how grateful I am for every single minute I have been able to see this happen and hopefully many more times in the future.
Nicole Davenport
What makes WoGU special are the people who are part of our community. Whenever you log in, you can be sure that somebody will have some friendly words. They make you smile when you're upset, they laugh with you if you're happy. And they help improving the site every day by coming up with new ideas.
WoGU is special because of those ideas. We never stop working on developing the site and the whole staff team always give a lot of love and effort to the site.
And that's exactly why people should join. Yes, the Maze Runner universe is a really specific one. But you can have fun without being an expert in this fandom. GU is a world full of scientists, doctors and curious people.

Lynnea Huntington

The third group is the Builders and much as their name suggests, they build things. Without these hardworking men and women, none of us would have had shelter. There would be no rooms, no places to hide from the rain, no map-makers room. The Builders are the creators and led by Robin Carter they could use a new mama or papa Builder.

The final group, the Med-jacks is a really special group for me. This group is all about science. They are the ones that nurse the others back to health and can be found in the laboratories for most of the day. Their skills are more mental and physical, but the hopes of finding a cure for the Virus lays in their hands. The Keeper of this group is Sarah Grenville, a young and ambitious woman who is currently the only female Keeper.

As you can see, the Keeper of the Builders is blue. This is because recently some changes have been made. Nicole Davenport stepped down as Chancellor and Lynnea Huntington took her place. Robin Carter soon joined he as Director of the WICKED Complex even though he is really a Spy for the Right Arm and helps WICKED saving the innocent.

Yet, the Right Arm won't be defeated that easily. Neither group will let the other succeed and battles may follow soon! WICKED want's to save the people, the Right Arm wants to save the immunes WICKED keeps captive for their experiment.

Join WoGU and pick a side. Will you help WICKED or the Right Arm? And what will your main talent be? There is only one way to find out!
Join World of Gladers United! Go to
( codes by whambam )