Metahuman Classes
Edition #4
Computer Science
Hello, Metahumans! Welcome to a new edition of 'Metahuman Classes'. In this blog, we talk about the different classes we have on our site. This week we'll talk about...
Computer Science!
Why do we learn it?
Computer Science is a subject that might not seem that useful at first. We want to be heroes and villains, not computer nerds. However, Computer Science is more than that. It could actually save lives. For example, whenever you're on a super secret mission and need to hack the enemies computer system when you need to save your own files from getting in the hands of the enemy, or even when you have to fight a cyborg with computer-related powers (or when you are one yourself). At moments like this, it is important to have studied Computer Science.
What do we learn?
In the Computer Science class, you will study everything regarding computers. Not even specifically computers themselves, but also holograms and robots. You learn how to code and decode, learn how to build computers, how to use them, and much more. Everything that is built from something with codes or with mechanical aspects, will be a part of this subject.
We can't talk about Computer Science without getting
Ryan Trenton here, am I right? This is why I have an interview with him for you!
Ryan, Master of Computer Science
If you want to know anything about computers, Ryan is the right person to go to. He knows everything from how to fight a virus to how to create one - something which can be quite dangerous if you ask me.
Why did you want to become the Master of Computer Science and not the Master of another subject?
Well, I always found the subject interesting. It's a unique subject that is becoming more and more relevant in our modern times and it's an easier subject to learn that can inspire someone to do something in the I.T field.
If you would be the Master of another subject, what would it be?
Definitely Healing or Superpower Training. I always find that people are unaware of the depth of healing, while on the other side of the coin I find that there is a somewhat loose definition of what people can do with their powers at a certain point, and taking the class could easily define these limits. I also find having the lack of control can be funny, as with when I wrote Ryan's backstory when his powers manifested he got stuck to the ceiling for a few hours.
What is your favorite thing about teaching?
My favorite thing would be people's responses. Seeing the creativity and excitement the students have when they do the assignments makes my day.
Is there something you think students should know before taking Computer Science?
We'll definitely be doing more than just coding or building computers. We'll be learning about loads of stuff, from AI to Holograms to Robots! Don't expect a crash course on like HTML or Java or C++, expect a crash course in pressing a button and seeing 99% of the world's information blasting across a little screen.
In conclusion, there is a lot to Compuer Science. Even if it doesn't seem like the most useful subject, it is actually a big part of life. We couldn't do without this subject.
Are you curious about what subject we might discuss next time? Then stay on the lookout for any new blogs that will get published in the future.
Written by:
Carson Roseblades
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