Meta Bulletin #004
Welcome to the fourth edition of Meta Bulletin! As the name stands, this bulletin shall give you the latest updates around the site along with some fun contents for you to interact with. Made by yours truly, the President and the Chairman, here it is: Meta Bulletin!

- From : Rebecca Davenport

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Bianca Dixon

Bianca Dixon Hero Advisory for me.

Valentina Roseblades

Valentina Roseblades I love this edition! So many interesting facts, once again. I have a hard time choosing a favorite class.... but I personally really like Villainry and Superpower Training, but all of them are great!

Quinn Moreno

Quinn Moreno OOH my favorite class on MH is definitely physical education! I mean, have you seen how great the master is? :P KIDDING! I love all of them honestly but I do love good ol' weaponomics!

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