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World of Potter
Song of the Week #009
2024-11-10 13:00:00
Arven Keating-Syndulla
The Harry Potter Universe
The Penguin DC: Power to the Underworld
2024-11-08 22:30:00
Hayden Archer
The Harry Potter Universe
DC Versus Marvel Omnibus: Combining Two Fandoms
2024-11-05 21:00:00
Hayden Archer
World of Potter
Met-U's Missions #004
2024-11-03 14:00:00
Arven Keating-Syndulla
Latest post
The Harry Potter Universe
Gotham City: Where The Nightmares Are
2024-11-01 23:30:00
Hayden Archer
The Harry Potter Universe
Dick Grayson: The First Robin
2024-10-30 20:17:00
Hayden Archer
World of Potter
Met-U's Missions #003
2024-10-20 17:00:00
Arven Keating-Syndulla
The Harry Potter Universe
Long Shadow DC: One of Many Teams
2024-10-18 22:30:00
Hayden Archer
World of Potter
Song of the Week #009
2024-11-10 13:00:00
Arven Keating-Syndulla
Met-U's Missions #004
Met-U's Missions #003
Met-U's Missions #002
Song of the Week #008
Met-U's Missions #001
Song of the Week #007
Song of the Week #006
Song of the week #005
Aesthetics of a Hero #013
Song of the Week #004
Aesthetics of a Hero #012
Song of the Week #003
Aesthetics of a Hero #011
Homework Bank #060
Aesthetics of a Hero #010
Short Story Competition - The Winner
Song of the Week #002
Homework Bank #059
Aesthetics of a Hero #009
Short Story Competition
Song of the Week #001
Homework Bank #058
Aesthetics of a Hero #007
Homework Bank #057
Aesthetics of a Hero #007
Homework Bank #056
Aesthetics of a Hero #006
Cosmic Communique #012
Homework Bank #055
Aesthetics of a Hero #005
Cosmic Communique #011
Homework Bank #054
Aesthetics of a Hero #004
Cosmic Communique #010
Homework Bank #053
Aesthetics of a Hero #003
Cosmic Communique #009
Homework Bank #052
Cosmic Communique #008
Homework Bank #051
Aesthetics of a Hero #002
Cosmic Communique #007
Homework Bank #050
Aesthetics of a Hero #001
Cosmic Communique #006
Homework Bank #049
Metahuman Graduates || Edition #11
Cosmic Communique #005
Homework Bank #048
Metahuman Graduates || Edition #10
Cosmic Communique #004
Homework Bank #047
Metahuman Graduates || Edition #9
Cosmic Communique #003
Homework Bank #046
Metahuman Graduates || Edition #8
Cosmic Communique #002
Homework Bank #045
Metahuman Graduates || Edition #7
Cosmic Communique #001
Homework Bank #044
Metahuman Graduates || Edition #6
Metahuman Graduates || Edition #5
Homework Bank #043
Metahuman Graduates || Edition #4
Homework Bank #042
Metahuman Graduates || Edition #3
Homework Bank #041
Metahuman Graduates || Edition #2
Homework Bank #040
Metahuman Graduates Edition #1
Homework Bank #039
Drinks With Aurora - Pink Lemonade
Homework Bank #038
Drinks With Aurora - Fruit Punch
Homework Bank #037
Metahuman Classes || Edition Seventeen
Drinks With Aurora - Apple Banana Smoothies
Metahuman Classes || Edition Sixteen
Aithne's Amazing Anthems #008
Drinks With Aurora - Milkshakes
Metahuman Classes || Edition Fifteen
Aithne's Amazing Anthems #007
Homework Bank #036
Metahuman Classes || Edition Fourteen
Aithne's Amazing Anthems #006
Homework Bank #035
Metahumans Classes || Edition Thirteen
Aithne's Amazing Anthems #005
Metahumans Classes || Edition Twelve
Aithne's Amazing Anthems #004
Homework Bank #034
Metahuman Classes || Edition Eleven
Meta Bulletin #007
Aithne's Amazing Anthems #003
Homework Bank #033
Metahuman Classes || Edition Ten
Homework Bank #032
Aithne's Amazing Anthems #002
Homework Bank #031
Aithne's Amazing Anthems #001
Homework Bank #030
Metahuman Classes || Edition Nine
Homework Bank #029
Meta Bulletin #006
Metahuman Classes || Edition Eight
Homework Bank #028
Metahuman Classes || Edition Seven
Homework Bank #027
Metahuman Classes || Edition Six
Homework Bank #026
Astonishing Art - II
Meta Bulletin #005
Metahuman Classes || Edition Five
Homework Bank #025
Astonishing Art - I
Metahuman Classes || Edition Four
Homework Bank #024
Meta Bulletin #004
Metahuman Classes || Edition Three
Homework Bank #023
Metahuman Classes || Edition Two
Filling those Blanks 3.0
Metahuman Classes || Edition One
Homework Bank #022
Homework Bank #021
Homework Bank #020
Homework Bank #019
Meta Bulletin #003
Homework Bank #018
Homework Bank #017
Design Your Costume Competition!
Meta Bulletin #002
Homework Bank #016
Finish The Lyrics #9
Homework Bank #015
Meta Bulletin #001
Filling those Blanks 2.0
Finish The Lyrics #8
Filling those Blanks 1.0
Trivia Time #1
Finish the Lyrics #7
Laughs with Evelynn! #1
Finish the Lyrics #6
DC Comics Stars #2
Finish the Lyrics #5
DC Comics Stars #1
Finish the Lyrics #4
Finish the Lyrics #2
DC Comics Background! #3
Finish the Lyrics #1
DC Comics: Background!
DC Comics: Background!
Superhero or Villain: #035
Superhero or Villain: #035
Superhero or Villain: #034
DC's Hit Tunes: Issue 3
Gotham's Taste: Issue 10
Superhero or Villain: #033
DC's Hit Tunes: Issue 2
Gotham's Taste: Issue 9
Carvings on a Stone: Issue 9
Superhero or Villain: #029
DC's Hit Tunes: Issue 1
Gotham's Taste: Issue 8
Carvings on a Stone: Issue 9
Superhero or Villain: #028
Gotham's Taste: Issue 7
Carvings on a Stone: Issue 8
Superhero or Villain: #027
Guess the Meta: Issue 1
Carvings on a Stone: Issue 8
Gotham's Taste: Issue 6
Superhero or Villain: #032
Gotham's Taste: Issue 5
Gotham's Taste: Issue 4
Superhero or Villain: #031
Carvings on a Stone: Issue 7
Gotham's Taste: Issue 3
Gotham's Taste: Issue 2
Superhero or Villain: #030
DC Facts: Issue 3
Gotham's Taste: Issue 1
Issue 2: Created or Born?
A Look Into Superpowers: Issue 3
Superhero or Villain: #029
A Look Into Superpowers: Issue 2
Carvings on a Stone: Issue 7
DC Facts: Issue 2
Issue 1: Created or Born?
A Look Into Superpowers: Issue 1
Superhero or Villain: #028
A Look Into Superpowers: Issue X
DC Facts: Issue 1
Song Review: Final Issue
Carvings on a Stone: Issue 6
Superhero or Villain: #027
Song Review: Issue #26
Song Review: Issue #25
Superhero or Villain: #026
Song Review: Issue #24
Superhero or Villain: #025
Song Review: Issue #23
Song Review: Issue #22
Song Review: Issue #21
Song Review: Issue #20
Background Info on DC Universe #3
Monday Morning Memes: Issue 7
Superhero or Villain: #024
Song Review Issue #19
Song Review: Issue 18
Background Info on DC Universe #2
Monday Morning Memes: Issue 6
Superhero or Villain: #023
Song Review: Issue #17
Monday Morning Memes: Issue 5
Superhero or Villain: #022
Song Review: Issue #16
Carvings on a Stone: Issue 5
Background Info on DC Universe #1
Monday Morning Memes: Issue 4
Song Review: Issue #15
Carvings on a Stone: Issue 4
Song Review: Issue #14
Monday Morning Memes: Issue 3
Song Review: Issue #13
Carvings on a Stone: Issue 3
Monday Morning Memes: Issue 2
Song Review: Issue #12
Carvings on a Stone: Issue 2
Superhero or Villain: #021
Monday Morning Memes: Issue 1
Song Review: Issue #11
Superhero or Villain: #020
Song Review: Issue #10
Song Review: Issue #9
Carvings on a Stone: Issue 1
Song Review: Issue #8
Song Review: Issue #7
Superhero or Villain: #019
Song Review: Issue #6
Superhero or Villain: #018
Song Review: Issue #5
Song Review: Issue 4
Maxy’s Arty Inn: Issue 3
Song Review: Issue #3
Song Review: Issue #2
Maxy’s Arty Inn: Issue 2
Superhero or Villain: #17
Song Review: Issue #1
Maxy's Arty Inn: Issue 1
Superhero or Villain: #16
Guess the Song! #16
Superhero or Villain: #015
Guess the Song! #15
Welcome to the Grey Area: Issue #5
Yoni's Sweets: Chocolate Chip Cookies
Guess the Song! #14
Superhero or Villain: #014
Welcome to the Grey Area: Issue #4
Yoni's Sweets: Peach Dump Cake
Guess the Song! #13
Superhero or Villain: #013
Welcome to the Grey Area: Issue #3
Yoni's Sweets: Graham Crackers and Chocolates
Guess the Song! #12
Superhero or Villain: #012
Welcome to the Grey Area: Issue #2
Guess the Song! #11
Groovy Trendy: Issue #4
Welcome to the Grey Area: Issue #1
Guess the Song! #10
Groovy Trendy: Issue #3
Five Ways To... #001
Weekly Staff Member Review - Week Five: Julia Morgan
Blue Moon Fools - A Special Edition Blog!
Weekly Staff Member Review - Week Four: Artemis Creed
Superhero or Villain: #011
Washington's People Review: #001
Weekly Staff Member Review - Week Three: Cana Havich
The Masked Villain or Hero: #002
Weekly Staff Member Review - Week Two: Gianna Beckett
Superhero or Villain: #010
The Masked Villain or Hero: #001
Guess the song! ︳#009
Groovy Trendy: Issue #2
Superhero or Villain
Weekly Staff Member Review - Week One: Marilou DeAngelo
Yoni's Seasonal Sweets: Pumpkin Roll-tastic
Yoni's Seasonal Sweets
Superhero or Villain
Superhero or Villian - Favorite Foods
Guess the song! ︳#008
Groovy Trendy: Issue #1 | Catty Trends
Eli Likes | Banana Bread
Superhero or Villain?
Guess the song! ︳#007
Eli Likes│Sweet Potato Pie!
Superhero or Villain?
Happy Halloween - Pumpkin Found!
Happy Halloween - The Winning Horror Story!
Eli Likes
Superhero or Villian?
Happy Halloween - A SoMe Event
Help the Heroes - 006
Guess the Song
Eli Likes
Hero or Villain?
Help the Heroes - 005
Eli Likes
Guess the Song
Help the Heroes - 004
Hero or Villain?
Eli Likes
Help the Heroes - 003
Guess the Song
Eli Likes
Which League Captain are you?
Guess the Character - Superhero or Villain?
Help the Heroes - 002
Guess the Song
The Power over Me
Eli Likes
Which Commander are you?
Guess the Character - Superhero or Villain?
The Power over Me
Help the Heroes - 001
Guess the Song
The Power over Me
Eli Likes
What job fits you?
Guess the Character
The Power over Me
Guess the song
Eli Lires
Jobs? Heck yeah!
The Harry Potter Universe
The Penguin DC: Power to the Underworld
2024-11-08 22:30:00
Hayden Archer
DC Versus Marvel Omnibus: Combining Two Fandoms
Gotham City: Where The Nightmares Are
Dick Grayson: The First Robin
Long Shadow DC: One of Many Teams
Detective Comics #1027: Batman and His Stories
DCU’s Supergirl: The Famous Kara Zor-El
Flatline Dc: The Girl with Powers of The Dead
Nubia: Honorable Amazonian Warrior
Scimitar: Bodyguard in DC
Detective Comics #135: Batman and Frankenstein
Detective Comics #31: A Journey into the Dark Knight’s Gothic Origins
Batman Day 2024: Bruce Day!
Dc's Legends of Tomorrow: Where Heroes Come Together
Wildcat: The Boxer Feline
Detective Comics #168: The Start of Joker’s Origin
Detective Comics #38: 1940's Batman and Robin
Rorschach: One of the Watchmen
Punchline: Important to the Joker
Watchmen: Historic Heroes
White Rabbit: A Bio-Fission Maniac
Linton Midnite: The Voodoo Man
Detective Comics #475: The Laughing Fish!
The Hangman: A Doctor and A Crimelord
Batman Caped Crusader: The New Animated Series
Joaquin Phoenix: The Infamous Joker
Hugo Strange: A Criminal Genius
Ultraman: In Many Universes
Ulysses: DCs Dimension Seeker
Sinestro: Green to Yellow, Good to Bad
Harley Quinn: (Almost) Everyone's Favourite Villain
Batfam: And Their Incorrect Quotes
Teen Titans: DCs Iconic Superhero Team
Gotham Knights: What Comes After Batman
Arthur Curry: Our Ambassador of Hybrid
The Justice Society - And All About It
Young Justice: The Mini Version of Justice League
Teen Titans Go! An Enjoyable Classic
Hunter Zolomon: Supervillain Zoom
Henry Allen: Father to The Flash
Nora West Allen: XS, The Fastest Woman Alive
Caitlin Snow: The Cold Never Bothered Her Anyway
Iris West: A True Reporter
Eobard Thawne: The Reverse-Flash (Slowpoke?)
Danielle Panabaker: Not Just Another Flash Actress
Candice Patton: DC's Iris West
Phantom Zone: The Prison Dimension
Speed Force: More Than Just Physics
Hal Jordan - The Man Behind The Green Lantern
Grant Gustin: The DC Flash That We Know
DC Batman Actors: Many Types of Bruce Wayne
DC Superman Actors: All The Clark Kents
New Earth: The Place To Be
Multiverses - And Everything In Between
The Penguin: A Gotham City Crimelord
Jake Gyllenhaal: DC's new Batman?
The Engineer: All About Nanotechnology
Movie News: Teen Titans Make Their Return!
Clayface: A Legacy and An Alliance
Black Orchid: The Human/Plant Hybrid