Aesthetics of a Hero #001
There are many different powers and races that a metahuman might have, in this bi-weekly blog we'll go through all of them and create some aesthetics!

- From : Arven Keating-Syndulla

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Marshall Peter

Marshall Peter Very beautiful aesthetics! They look captivating!

Somi Kang

Somi Kang I LOVE THIS!! The second last picture with the hand surrounded by rocks is awesome!!

Aimee Gardner


Yeona Gok

Yeona Gok I love this! It's very nature-y! :D

Bianca Dixon

Bianca Dixon Loving this!

Rebecca Davenport

Rebecca Davenport Ooooh geokinesis looks so cool with this!!

Ysabel Velasco

Ysabel Velasco The aesthetic board is giving!!! I'm now looking forward to the aesthetics u.u

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