Meta Bulletin #007
Welcome to the seventh edition of Meta Bulletin! As the name stands, this bulletin shall give you the latest updates around the site along with some fun contents for you to interact with. Made by yours truly, the President and the Chairman, here it is: Meta Bulletin!

- From : Rebecca Davenport

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Miraiea Corisande

Miraiea Corisande My favorite food has to be sushi! It's super yummy and not super unhealthy, so a win win in my book! Favorite kind would have to be shrimp tempura :D

Raven Nielson

Raven Nielson OOH my favorite food is... probably waffles? I don't know, they're just so good!

Raquelle Chambers

Raquelle Chambers my favourite food? i've been waiting ages for someone to ask. who can go wrong with some amazing lasagna? :D <3

Celeste Laurent

Celeste Laurent My favorite food will be..ah choosing is difficult, I love food- but we can say it is sandwiches! they are like a comfort food to me:D

Giselle DeAngelo

Giselle DeAngelo My favorite food…. probably garlic bread! But YAY I’m excited this is back and there’s so many fun new things to do here!

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