You have graduated from MetU, but what do you do now? Well, that's why this new blog series exists! Metahuman Graduates is all about the graduate classes and what possible jobs you can gain from them.
Quinn Moreno YAY! Loved reading this interview with Lynn and this blog post was fabulous, Carson! I can't wait for the next one!
Meeting place for DC fans
Become a part of the most amazing online DC universe and meet a lot of nice and kind people, that share the same interests as you. We bid you welcome with open arms!
Lynn Sutton Mwahahahah thank you all c:
Delphine Pierce What an insightful interview and great blog post <3 Good job!
Giselle DeAngelo Lynn really is a hero to us all!
Quinn Moreno YAY! Loved reading this interview with Lynn and this blog post was fabulous, Carson! I can't wait for the next one!