Which League Captain are you?
Found your perfect job? Know what Commander you're most like? Well, this week we have another special surprise for you! Find out what League Captain best resembles you!

- From : Alyson Bloom

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Grey Fiorello

Grey Fiorello Hmm. I wonder who I got.

Ymré Darkholme

Ymré Darkholme Fascinating :D

Ymré Darkholme

Ymré Darkholme Ooh i got Mabel!

Venetia Sapphire

Venetia Sapphire Mabel! And that's actually me funny enough XD

Ruby Peterson

Ruby Peterson MAMA Hybrid

Stardust Night

Stardust Night All Mabel!! I'm perfectly happy to be like my Nana Hybrid!!!! :)

Blackgate prisoner

Blackgate prisoner majority C

Seraphina Beauty

Seraphina Beauty Tie between Dawn and Mabel. Cosmic at heart!

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