Found your perfect job? Know what Commander you're most like? Well, this week we have another special surprise for you! Find out what League Captain best resembles you!
Become a part of the most amazing online DC universe and meet a lot of nice and kind people, that share the same interests as you. We bid you welcome with open arms!
Grey Fiorello Hmm. I wonder who I got.
Ymré Darkholme Fascinating :D
Ymré Darkholme Ooh i got Mabel!
Venetia Sapphire Mabel! And that's actually me funny enough XD
Ruby Peterson MAMA Hybrid
Stardust Night All Mabel!! I'm perfectly happy to be like my Nana Hybrid!!!! :)
Blackgate prisoner majority C
Seraphina Beauty Tie between Dawn and Mabel. Cosmic at heart!