Washington's People Review: #001
Hello lovely Metahumans! Welcome to Washington's People Review! In each blog; he will take look at a different staff member (student or grad) and review his thoughts on them - along with a 1/10 mango rating!

- From : Ezralynn Hrysovatlantis

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Artemis Creed

Artemis Creed This is adorable!

Blackgate prisoner

Blackgate prisoner Great article indeed :D

Rebecca Davenport

Rebecca Davenport Oh my, at first I thought this was Washington as in a city name XD great review!

Ezralynn Hrysovatlantis

Ezralynn Hrysovatlantis Pfft love you too kiddo. Thank you for reading!!

Aurelio Beaumont

Aurelio Beaumont Great article, Washington!!

Seraphina Beauty

Seraphina Beauty if you get on her good side she might throw you into a pile of poop, fair warning XD Jk, love ya mom, and amazing article Washington! <3

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