Detective Comics #1027: Batman and His Stories
Oh yes, we have a new blog for you today - and one about a specific comic book. Just like a lot of the DC Comics, this one contains several stories about Batman. From a look into his parents to some kind of murder mystery. Check it out now and leave a comment for your very own comic book!

- From : Hayden Archer

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Cassia Dawe

Cassia Dawe Whoa I gotta read this comic some point soon!

Zudora Kome

Zudora Kome Hmm this is most intriguing

Korren Maverick

Korren Maverick I WANNA READ THIS

Adrienne Damaris

Adrienne Damaris I've had a look at this comic but will need to properly read it! So much to learn!

Roya Botero

Roya Botero This is on my to be read list!

Achlys Aldridge

Achlys Aldridge What a lovely blog! How interesting

Danica Solace

Danica Solace huh how cool. Will have to give this a proper read!

Adrea Damani

Adrea Damani Wait this marks batman's 1000th appearance? My goodness Batman is very out and about xD

Arven Keating-Syndulla

Arven Keating-Syndulla I love these blogs!

Valentina Roseblades

Valentina Roseblades I so want to read more comic books! Maybe this is the one I should start with, hmm?

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