Weekly Staff Member Review - Week Four: Artemis Creed
Hello my lovely Metahuman friends! We're back with yet another Staff Member Review - this one is on Artemis Creed! I know... I know - it's late; and I'm sorry. But at least it's here! As you all know; this blog focuses on the staff member chosen for the week and it includes lovely things from those who leave comments! I hope you all enjoy <3

- From : Ezralynn Hrysovatlantis

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Artemis Creed

Artemis Creed You all made me cry! I love you so much!

Lachlan Hayes

Lachlan Hayes We love you, Arty! Julie-Bean did amazing on that code! Well done, lovely. <3

Axsilon Winterheart

Axsilon Winterheart I came to WoMH recently, and Artemis was one of the first three people to say hello and welcome me. I can only think positive thoughts and look forward to seeing her more. Thank you for all you do for us. We appreciate you for just being you, Artemis. Also, Wonderful code and Shout out to Julia Morgan, you are amazing.

Margot Hearst

Margot Hearst Wow! I'm loving this new code :D And you're definitely awesome, Artemis!

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